Take your Mind & Body to
the next level
Be Present.
Access Flow.
Perform at your Peak.

We combine multiple bodies of work and research to establish your current map of reality and the specific steps you need to take to think clearly, be free and perform at your best.

In partnership with one of Australia's leading breath experts, we teach you how to use your breath for performance, awakening, connection and complete relaxation.

We lean on over 50 years of combined fitness industry experience to give you the framework and direction you need to deepen your body awareness to function and perform at your potential.

Our 2 day Immersions take you on an inner journey to learn how your breath, nervous system and personality all communicate to create your current experience.
It reveals your strengths and your potential as well as your bottlenecks and blind spots.
These Immersions challenge, support and encourage. You won't come out the same as you went in.
Are you ready to accept the call?

People don't have problems in business, they have personal problems that show up in business.
Dave Nixon
Peak & Flow Founder, Author, Presenter, Integral+ Coach, Podcast Host + Fitness Professional.