The most important trait of a good coach is behavioural adaptability. You'll leave with a new level of understanding human behaviour and leadership after we cover these key topics:
Identifying personality types
Learn to engage with individuals based on their communication and personality preferences.
Understanding language patterns
Learn the intricate details of peoples thinking patterns and communication styles.
Learn the 3 areas of Flow Intelligence
Learn the lines of intelligence that make up our personal Flow Intelligence.
Deepen your levels of listening and perception
Deepen your listening levels, perception and
learn to lead your clients.
How is the seminar delivered?
How is the seminar delivered?
This seminar is held in-person but can be taken over a zoom call.
1st Day: 1pm - 7pm with short breaks throughout
2nd Day: 9am - 4pm with lunch and short breaks throughout
Our next date is <insert>, hosted at:
<Insert Here>
you can check all upcoming event dates here. Reach out to arrange a date in your location.
Is it for you?
This seminar is specifically designed for personal trainers and coaches who are interested in levelling up their coaching and open to implementing a new set of tools.
If you're interested in setting yourself apart from industry competitors, this is the seminar for you.
Learning Modules and Run Sheet
Day One (objective models)
Introducing multiple perspectives
Developing Body Intelligence
Understanding our nervous system
The Power of Breath
Into the Cold (exercise)
Physical Priming and setting intentions
Day 2 (subjective models)
2 Royal Roads to state
Emotion and Mind (subjective)
Body (objective)
From Stimulus to Response - Understanding Communication
(Enneagram - pre recorded)
Thinking patterns (includes exercise)
Internal vs external Authority
Self vs other Reference
Over vs Under responsible – co-dependent patterns
Best vs worst Case scenario
Counting vs discounting
Static vs process
Black and white vs continuum
Procedures vs options
Resourceful states
Elicit state to show up fully in the moment
Meeting the moment
Training session